As someone who has worked as an in-house PR Executive, an Account Executive at a traditional PR agency and now as a Digital PR Executive, (without being biased) I can tell you how vital Digital PR is and why it is essential for brands, even if they already have an in-house PR/ external agency.
Like traditional PR, Digital raises brand awareness. It also creates desire at the ‘consideration’ stage of the purchase cycle. Digital PR is not just about the last click, on which most KPIs tend to focus. Other Digital channels work with an existing demand for a product or service, but through contacting the right websites, Digital PR creates this demand.
It also increases brand search volumes, which is typically the highest converting traffic, and grows the long tail of all referrals. Because Digital PR is permanent it will continue to drive traffic longer than traditional PR.
For new brands in particular who are looking to take the plunge in investing in PR, I recommend Digital PR as it underpins and futureproofs your entire SEO strategy. This is particularly important after recent Google algorithm changes that have clamped down on guest blogging and black hat building tactics.
An in-house PR officer (or PR team) means that they can absorb the company culture and give the brand their full attention as they won’t be thinking of any other clients. They will be your PR and only yours.
At MediaVision we work with in-house PR teams to enhance the benefits of PR. When you work with an agency you’ll have accessibility to a larger range of titles. Agencies will be interacting with more journalists from a wider variety of fields. Example:
Brand- A haircare brand.
In-house PR- talks to trade and consumer hair and beauty titles.
Agency- has contacts with newspapers, bloggers, lifestyle titles from not just hair.
When you hire an agency you get the whole team’s perspective on a PR campaign as well as their background and their journalists. This way the client benefits from targeting a wide range of titles, while still having the in-house expertise too.
Digital Agencies
Aside from serving an important feather in SEO, another benefit of Digital PR comes from content generation. At MediaVision we work closely with our own content team to optimise press coverage and social shares. Through previous content curation we have received excellent press coverage for clients in high Domain Authority sites such as the example to the right:
At MediaVision we have over 15 years of experience in in-house PR, agency PR as well as Digital PR. This means our past experience affords us a large amount of journalists from different titles who we are able to reach out to and collaborate with on your PR.
For further information on our services please contact Jodie Harris, Head of PR and Social Media: